Characteristic Analysis of Reactive-Power Compensator using Resonant Current-Source Inverter by simplification model

축소모형에 의한 공진형 전류원 인버터식 무효전력보상기의 특성 분석

  • 한병문 (명지대학교 전기제어계측공학부) ;
  • 백승택 (명지대학교 전기제어계측공학부) ;
  • 박덕희 (명지대학교 전기제어계측공학부) ;
  • 소용철 (생산기술연구원)
  • Published : 1998.07.01


This paper describes a scaled model for PWM thyristor current-source inverter with a commutation circuit. The system consists of a 6-pulse thyristor bridge and an LC resonant circuit with thyristor switches, which offers thyristors to have turn-off capability for PWM operation with minimal switching losses. The proposed system can be used as a reactive power compensator with PWM operation for the utilitity application. There would be two advantages in the proposed system over the existing voltage source inverter. One is the low system cost due to using the conventional thyristors. Another is easy expansion of system operation voltage because th series operation of thyristor devices is already proven in HVDC system.
