A hybrid maximum power tracker for a photovoltaic/wind hybrid power system

태양광/풍력 복합발전 시스템의 최대출력제어기 설계

  • Published : 1998.07.01


In this paper, a hybrid maximum power tracker for a photovoltaic/wind hybrid power system is proposed. In the hybrid system, a direct interfacing the wind power system to the photovoltaic system gives the problems of voltage fluctuations, poor maximum power tracking, and harmonics generation associated with the random wind speed, the random solar irradiation and the pulsating torque came from the wind turbine synchronous generator and photovoltaic. To overcome these problems, a wind side DC/DC converter are proposed employing a star/delta transformer interconnected between the wind turbine side and the photovoltaic side. The control objective for each dc/dc converter is to extract maximum power from each different photovoltaic system and wind system, and transfer two different powers to the inverter and load.
