Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference (대한의용생체공학회:학술대회논문집)
- Volume 1997 Issue 11
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- Pages.193-196
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- 1997
Automated Diagnosis of Disease in Medical Information Management System
의료용 정보처리시스템에서 질환해석
Kim, Hie-Sik
(Department of Control & Instrumentation Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Seoul) ;
Choi, Gi-Sang
(Department of Control & Instrumentation Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Seoul) ;
- Kim, Gyu-Sik (Department of Control & Instrumentation Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Seoul) ;
- Choi, Jin-Uk (Department of Control & Instrumentation Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Seoul) ;
- Park, Jong-Sung (Department of Control & Instrumentation Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Seoul) ;
- Lee, Pyong-Won (Department of Control & Instrumentation Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Seoul) ;
- Kim, Eul-Sik (Department of Control & Instrumentation Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Seoul) ;
- SeoMun, Jun (Department of Control & Instrumentation Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Seoul)
(서울시립대학교 공과대학 제어계측공학과) ;
(서울시립대학교 공과대학 제어계측공학과) ;
- 김규식 (서울시립대학교 공과대학 제어계측공학과) ;
- 최진욱 (서울시립대학교 공과대학 제어계측공학과) ;
- 박종성 (서울시립대학교 공과대학 제어계측공학과) ;
- 이평원 (서울시립대학교 공과대학 제어계측공학과) ;
- 김을식 (서울시립대학교 공과대학 제어계측공학과) ;
- 서문준 (서울시립대학교 공과대학 제어계측공학과)
- Published : 1997.11.28
This paper proposes a new medical information management system to be used or small to medium sized clinics and hospitals. The system is designed to process, analyze and manage each patient's clinical record using database technique. The structure of the database was determined and implemented through careful and rigorous study of medical practices in Korea and, therefore, reflects the needs of information management in Korean medical community. Furthermore, a sophisticated inference engine that can deduce possible disease from the result of medical examination is added to the system to provide doctors with a guideline in medical diagnoses.