PC & TV 겸용 모니터에서 사용자의 색채 및 밝기 인식 특성

Perception of Color and brightness in a combined PC and TV monitor

  • 발행 : 1997.11.01


A stuey to investigate the perception characteristics of color and brightness was conducted in a combined PC and TV monitor, The objective of this study is to suggest user's favorite color temperature in PC mode and user's favorite contrast in TV mode. Investigated factors were monitor coating(coatiog vs. non-coation)and screen brightness (30fL vs. 35fL)in first experiment and monitor coating and pucture movement(static vs. dynamic) in second experiment. The first experiment was conducted in TV mode. Twenty-three subjects (male 12, female 11) perticipated in this experiment. In first experiment, average color temperatures were about 8000K in all experimental conditions. In addition, there was significant difference between coating and non-coating screen at 0.1 level. In second experiment, average contrasts were obtained in all esperimental conditions. There was significant difference between coating and ndn-coating screen at 0.05 level, In addition, there was significant difference between static picture and dynamic picture at 0.1 level
