색 자극에 대한 뇌전위 분석과 신경망 학습을 통한 인간 감성의 정량화에 관한 연구

The analysis of EEG under color stimulation and the quantization of emotion using learning neural network

  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


The purpose of this study is to see the method of the analysis of EEG(Electroencephalography) whcih is a nonlinear system, to quantize human emotion under color stimulation using the analysis of EEG. The result of this study would be used clinical study and development fo image instruments with color. In this study, the method of the analysis of EEG is power spectrum using FFT(Fast Fourier Transform) and the modelling of EEG under color stimulation base on back propagation Neural Networks ond of AI(Artfical Intellignece) skills. First, input layer make a match to relative power which get analyzing s in 4 channels, and output layer make a match to color stimulation which is measured human emotion. Finally, weights of each neurons determine by learing back porpagation Neural Networks.
