A dynamic approach to manufacturing improvement from learning and decision-theoretic perspectives

  • Kim, Bowon (Graduate School of Management at KAIST)
  • 발행 : 1996.10.01


In this article, we develop a 'dynamic' approach to manufacturing improvement, based on perspectives of manufacturing learning and decision theory. First, we present an alternative definition of production system consistent with a decision-theoretic perspective: the system consists of structural, infra-structural, and decision making constructs. A primary proposition is that learning capability possessed by a manufacturing system be prerequisite for the system to improve its manufacturing performance through optimal controlling of the three constructs. To support the proposition, we elaborate on a mathematical representation of "learning" as defined in an applied setting. We show how the learning capability acts as an integrating force ameliorating the trade-off between two key manufacturing capabilities, i.e., process controllability and process flexibility.exibility.
