Extracting the axis of potential axial symmetry employing variance minimization

  • Kim, Hyoung-Seop (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Department of Civil, Mechanical and Control Engineering) ;
  • Ishikawa, Seiji (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Department of Civil, Mechanical and Control Engineering)
  • 발행 : 1996.10.01


Symmetry is one of the important structural properties of shapes both in perceptual psychology and in computer vision. Recently, a number of automatic symmetry finding algorithms have been reported. Among them, the algorithm based on the use of principal axes of objects is the most general and practical. It is, however, of no use when shapes concerned have some asymmetry. Asymmetric shapes which make us associate with certain kinds of symmetry are practically important and they are called shapes with potential symmetry in this paper. The algorithm we have already proposed can cope with those shapes having potential axial symmetry. The algorithm employs a reflected image of the original and a certain evaluation function. In the former paper, areal minimization was employed for the evaluation function and it yielded satisfactory experimental results. However, it could not cope with those shapes which have larger asymmetry. In this paper, we propose the employment of variance as an alternative evaluation index with respect to the difference image between the reflected and the original shape. The technique is examined its performance by real video images as well as synthetic data. Experimental results are shown and discussion is given.
