인버터의 전류측정 오차에 기인하는 영구자석형 동기전동기의 토크리플 저감

  • 홍순찬 (단국대학교 전기공학과) ;
  • 윤덕용 (천안공업전문대학 제어계측과) ;
  • 원의연 (서호전기(주) 기술개발부)
  • Published : 1996.06.01


This paper proposes a novel method to reduce the torque ripple due to the non-ideality of the current sensing parts in vector-controlled inverter-fed PMSM(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor) drive systems. The motor output torque equations are derived in terms of their offset voltages and different voltage transducing gains. And the effects of phase current errors on motor torque are analyzed for both salient PMSM and non-salient PMSM. The proposed method can eliminate the torque ripple by nulling the offset voltages and setting the voltage transducing gains to the same value. To verify the proposed method, digital simulations are carried out for non-salient PMSM.
