III족 질화물반도체의 분광학적 성질

Optical Properties of Column -II Nitride Semiconductors

  • 발행 : 1995.05.01


We report the spectroscopic properties of column-III nitrifies of GaN, GaInN, and AlGaN. The column-III nitride semiconductors are promising materials to realize the current-injection-type blue-and ultraviolet (UV)-light-emitting devices with high performance. To acheive the lasing with low threshold, the devices are must constructed to double heterostructure by succesive epitaxial growth technique, and we must confine the carriers in the potential barrier and optical confinement in wave guide between barrier and active layers has different refractive index. The refractive index of column-III nitride semiconductors, however, are rarely reported. The measured refractive index was 2.9, and the observed characteristic peak near the enrgy gap was analysed using a dielectric function and may due to excitonic contribution.
