Maintaining High Standard Flag State Administrations for Combating Vessel-Source Marine Pollution

  • Lee, Dr. Sang-jib (Professor Korea Maritime University)
  • Published : 1995.04.01


The impediment in enhancing the ship safety and combating vessel-source marine pollution depends on the combination of the immediate and mediate factors. The former is mainly caused by human errors and failure in compliance with the international convention standards in operation of compliance with the international convention standards in operation of vessel. The latter by the attitudes and activities of some of the flay states taking little responsibilities with appropriate seriousness in policing their fleets due to the lack of implementing capability of adminstrations. So long as there exists a large size of variation in implementing capability of administration between flag states a globally remarked progress cannot expect to be made in assuring the ship safety and preventing the vessel-source pollution Therefore a new regulatory regime is suggested to be adopted by IMO to maintain high standard flag state adminstrations by recommending standard paradigm to member states so that the development of a implementing culture is encouraged and supported.
