RGB 공간상의 국부 영역 블럭을 이용한 칼라 영상 양자화

Color Image Quantization Using Local Region Block in RGB Space

  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


Many image display devices allow only a limited number of colors to be simultaneously displayed. In displaying of natural color image using color palette, it is necessary to construct an optimal color palette and map each pixel of the original image to a color palette with fast. In this paper, we proposed the clustering algorithm using local region block centered one color cluster in the prequantized 3-D histogram. Cluster pairs which have the least distortion error are merged by considering distortion measure. The clustering process is continued until to obtain the desired number of colors. Same as the clustering process, original color image is mapped to palette color via a local region block centering around prequantized original color value. The proposed algorithm incorporated with a spatial activity weighting value which is smoothing region. The method produces high quality display images and considerably reduces computation time.
