Deming prize and malcolm baldrige national quality award

  • Ryu, Seewon (Department of Management Information Systems, KAIST) ;
  • Jo, Hongkyu (Department of Management Information Systems, KAIST) ;
  • Heo, Jaeho (Department of Management Information Systems, KAIST)
  • 발행 : 1995.04.01


Total Quality Management (TQM) is the aggregated management philosophy for quality including production, operation, human resource, leadership, marketing, and etc. TQM is the advanced concept and philosophy rather than traditional "Quality Control" or "Quality Assurance". Nowadays, downstream costs has been increased, that made cost accountants' attention to costs of quality. Many countries have developed their own quality awards system in order to improve overall national quality level. The Deming Prize of Japan and Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) of United States are two representatives of quality prizes. We compared the two awards by means of their history, objective, coverage, and judging criteria. Deming Prize has a longer history than MBNQA. Deming Prize selects five winners a year, while MBNQA has two or three areas. The biggest difference is judgement criteria. The Deming Prizes focuses on statistical control which is a traditional quality control method, while MBNQA concentrates on modem business concept such as customer satisfaction. The suggestions to these awards are: evaluate more on information of quality; evaluate more on inter-functional relationship between quality control function and other link more financial success.e financial success.
