건물하부 통과를 위한 터널설계 시공사례

A Case Study on Design and Construction of Subway Tunnels Underneath Existing Buildings

  • 김홍석 (서울시) ;
  • 조성태 (대우, 금호ING, 금호ING, 고려대, 고려대, 고려대)
  • 발행 : 1994.09.01


This paper concerns a case study on the design concept, analysis, construction methodology of a subway tunnel excavated in the soft ground beneath an existing building where the distance between the bottom of the building and the crown of the tunnel is separated by about 3 meters only. The silot tunnels are excavated in advance, and side reinforced-concrete walls are installed. Then, main tunnels are excavated with ring cut method. The steel ribs are installed and supported by the side walls made in advance. Between the steel ribs and the side walls, the screw jack is installed to apply prestressing so that settlement can be controlled at minimum. Various in-situ seasurements are made and compared with computed values obtained by numerical methods. By choosing this underpinning method with very caraful construction control, tunnelling projects could be finished successfully without having any damage to the building located very closely to the tunnel crown.
