Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference (대한의용생체공학회:학술대회논문집)
- Volume 1993 Issue 11
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- Pages.44-47
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- 1993
The Method of Following Wall with the Motorized Wheelchair for the Disabled
지체부자유자를 위한 전동휠체어의 벽면추종기법(II)
- Choi, In-Ku (Dept. of Electronics Eng. Inha Univ.) ;
- Kim, Byung-Su (Dept. of Electronics Eng. Inha Univ.) ;
Lee, Eung-Hyuk
(Dept. of Electronics Eng. Inha Univ.) ;
- Jung, Dong-Myung (Dept. of Electronics Eng. WonKwang Univ.) ;
- Hong, Seung-Hong (Dept. of Electronics Eng. Inha Univ.)
- Published : 1993.11.12
In this paper, the wall follwing method of a motorized wheelchair is discussed. The wall fellowing problem is characterized by maintaining a constant distance to the wall, which should be possible using a distance measuring sensor only. Ultrasonic sensors are cheap are fairly simple to use in this case. The main problem is the calculation of the distance and orientation of the wheelchair with respect the wall from the sensor data. This is solved by the method that sensor data is obtained from 3 ultrasonic sensors arranged at a same perpendicular pivot. The results show that a new method is very effiecient for a motorized wheelchair.