Knowledge-Based Dynamic Structuring of Process Control Systems

  • de Silba, Clarence W. (NSERC Industrial Automation Deartment of Mechanical Engineering The University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada)
  • 발행 : 1993.06.01


A dynamic-structure system is one that has the flexibility to change the system configuration automatically so as to operate in an optimal manner. A conceptural model for a dynamic-structure system is presented in this paper. In this model, the interchangeable components of the overall system are grouped together. Their activity levels are evaluated by an intelligent preprocessor that is associated with the group. A knowledge-based task distribution system evaluates the activity levels and makes decisions as to how the components operating below capacity should be shared with workcells that have similar components that are overloaded. Associated decision making can be effected through fuzzy logic and particularly the compositional rule of inference. A simulation example is given to illustrate the application of dynamic structuring.
