건물 침하방지를 위한 Underpinning 사례연구

A Case Study of Underpinning for Building Settlement Reduction

  • 박병기 (전남대) ;
  • 이인모 (고려대, 고려대, 광주고속, 광주고속, 광주고속, 표준개발)
  • 발행 : 1993.10.01


Settlements of maximum 23cm have occurred in and Apartment building consturcted on a fill layer with pile foundations. The main reason of the settlements was due to the negative skin friction applied to the pile, and settlement of adjacent ground since most pile tips are acted as a floating foundation founded on the stratum where the SPT N value was mostly less than 30. To underpin this building, the Jumbo Special Pile grouging was adopted, and instrumented data showed little differential settlement after the JSP underpinning.
