Automatic Visual Feature Extraction And Measurement of Mushroom (Lentinus Edodes L.)

  • Heon-Hwang (Dept. of Agricultural Machinery Engineering SUNG KYUN KWAN) ;
  • Lee, C.H. (Dept. of Agricultural Machinery Engineering SUNG KYUN KWAN) ;
  • Lee, Y.K. (Dept. of Agricultural Machinery Engineering SUNG KYUN KWAN)
  • 발행 : 1993.10.01


In a case of mushroom (Lentinus Edodes L.) , visual features are crucial for grading and the quantitative evaluation of the growth state. The extracted quantitative visual features can be used as a performance index for the drying process control or used for the automatic sorting and grading task. First, primary external features of the front and back sides of mushroom were analyzed. And computer vision based algorithm were developed for the extraction and measurement of those features. An automatic thresholding algorithm , which is the combined type of the window extension and maximum depth finding was developed. Freeman's chain coding was modified by gradually expanding the mask size from 3X3 to 9X9 to preserve the boundary connectivity. According to the side of mushroom determined from the automatic recognition algorithm size thickness, overall shape, and skin texture such as pattern, color (lightness) ,membrane state, and crack were quantified and measured. A portion of t e stalk was also identified and automatically removed , while reconstructing a new boundary using the Overhauser curve formulation . Algorithms applied and developed were coded using MS_C language Ver, 6.0, PC VISION Plus library functions, and VGA graphic function as a menu driven way.
