Proceedings of the KIEE Conference (대한전기학회:학술대회논문집)
- 1993.07a
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- Pages.268-270
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- 1993
Implementation of DSP Controller for Levitation of EMS System using Nonlinear Feedback Linearization
비선형 궤환 선형화 기법을 사용한 자기부상 시스템의 DSP 제어기 구현
Shim, Hyung-Bo
(Dept. Electrical Eng. Seoul Nat'1 University) ;
- Joo, Sung-Jun (Dept. Electrical Eng. Seoul Nat'1 University) ;
- Seo, Jin-Heon (Dept. Electrical Eng. Seoul Nat'1 University)
- Published : 1993.07.18
The implementation of Nonlinear Feedback Linearization control for Electro-Magnetic Suspension system is presented. The controller using TMS320C31 DSP chip was proposed and the experiments were performed Control law for EMS system using feedback linearization is derived and implemented in the DSP. Some tests were constructed far experimental comparison between feedback linearization and classical state feedback The experimental results demonstrate that the feedback linearization controller shows bettor performance than that of the classical state feedback controller and it is robust with respect to disturbance and parameter variation, though some steady-state errors appear.