Proceedings of the KIEE Conference (대한전기학회:학술대회논문집)
- 1993.07a
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- Pages.261-264
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- 1993
Design of Adaptive GPC wi th Feedforward for Steam Generator
증기발생기 수위제어를 위한 적응일반형예측제어 설계
Kim, Chang-Hwoi
(Dept. of Instrumentation and Control, KAERI)
(한국원자력연구소 계측제어개발실)
- Published : 1993.07.18
This paper proposes an adaptive generalized predictive control with feedforward algorithm for steam generator level control in nuclear power plant. The proposed algorithm is shown that the parameters of N-step ahead predictors can be obtained using the parameters of one-step ahead predictor which is derived from plant model with feedforward. Using this property the proposed scheme is an adaptive algorithm which consists of GPC method and the recursive least squares algorithm for identifying the parameters of one-step ahead predictor. Also, computer simulations are performed to evaluate the performance of proposed algorithm using a mathematical model of PWR steam generator Simulation results show good performances for load variation. And the proposed algorithm shows better responses than PI controller does.