현장계측을 이용한 호안의 침하 및 안정성의 평가

An Evaluation of the Settlement and Stability in the Reclaimed Revetment by Field Monitoring Method

  • 김형주 (군산대학교 해양공학과) ;
  • 양태선 (서울시립대학교 토목공학과, 동아엔지니어링(주) 지반사업부) ;
  • 최덕찬
  • 발행 : 1992.10.01


In case of construction of the final refuse disposal site on the ground where 20m soft clay layer is deposited, Sand Compaction Pile(SCP) was driven with a view to increase the strength and reduce the settlement when the reclaimed revetment intend to be constructed first in a short time. Field monitoring method is carried out in order to overcome the problems of settlement and stability in the construction of the reclaimed revetment and the assumed problems in the design of composite ground. In this paper the observed data from monitoring sections are analysed, fedback to the desigh and field, and compared with FEM analysis. Conclusions are as follow: in case of 70% replacement the use of modified soilparameters makes the FEM analysis of SCP possible. In case of 27% replacement, n(stress concentration ratio)=0.2-0.3, B(measured settleme reduction coefficient)=0.43 are evalated. Also, horizontal displacement is remarkably happened around the ground.
