2-D IIR digital filter에 대한 systolic array구현

Implementation of systolic array for 2-D IIR digital filters

  • 김수현 (호서대학교 정보통신공학과)
  • 발행 : 1992.06.01


In this paper, a systolic array structure is derived from the realization of 2-D IIR digital filters directed from the SFG(signal flow graph). After realized the 1-D formed partial systolic array, we implemented the complete systolic array to be cascaded 1-D form. The cascading of partial systolic arrays reduce the storage element which sued to delay input signal. 1-D systolic array is derived from that DG is designed through local communication approach and then it mapping to SFG. The derived structure is very simple and has high throughput because during new imput sample is supplied, new output is obtained every sampling period. And broadcast input signal is eliminated. Since the systolic array has property of regularity, modularity, local interconnection and highly synchronized multiprocessing, thus is very suitable for VLSI implementation.
