한국통신학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Communication Sciences Conference)
- 한국통신학회 1991년도 추계종합학술발표회논문집
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- Pages.92-95
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- 1991
레이다 검파에서의 MX-TM CFAR 처리기들에 대한 성능 분석
Analysis of MX-TM CFAR Processors in Radar Detection
Constant false alarm rate(CFAR) processors are useful for detecting radar targets in background for which all parameters in the statistical distribution are not known and may be nonstationary. The well known "cell averging" (CA) CFAR processor is known to yield best performance in homogeneous case, but exhibits severe performance in the presence of an interfering target in the reference window or/and in the region of clutter edges. The "order statistics"(OS) CFAR processor is known to have a good performance above two nonhomogeneous cases. The modified OS-CFAR processor, known as "trimmed mean"(TM) CFAR processor performs somewhat better than the OS-CFAR processor by judiciously trimming the ordered samples. This paper proposes and analyzes the performance of a new CFAR processor called the "maximum trimmed mean"(MX-TM) CFAR processor combining the "greatest of"(GO) CFAR and TM-CFAR processors. The MAX operation is included to control false alarms at clutter edges. Our analyses show that the proposed CFAR processor has similar performance TM- and OS-CFAR processors in homogeneous case and in the precence of interfering targets, but can control the false rate in clutter edges. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the qualitative effects of various CFAR processors in nonhomogeneous clutter environments.