On discrete nonlinear self-tuning control

  • Mohler, R.-R. (Oregon State University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Corvallis, OR 97331, U.S.A.) ;
  • Rajkumar, V. (Oregon State University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Corvallis, OR 97331, U.S.A.) ;
  • Zakrzewski, R.-R. (Oregon State University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Corvallis, OR 97331, U.S.A.)
  • 발행 : 1991.10.01


A new control design methodology is presented here which is based on a nonlinear time-series reference model. It is indicated by highly nonlinear simulations that such designs successfully stabilize troublesome aircraft maneuvers undergoing large changes in angle of attack as well as large electric power transients due to line faults. In both applications, the nonlinear controller was significantly better than the corresponding linear adaptive controller. For the electric power network, a flexible a.c. transmission system (FACTS) with series capacitor power feedback control is studied. A bilinear auto-regressive moving average (BARMA) reference model is identified from system data and the feedback control manipulated according to a desired reference state. The control is optimized according to a predictive one-step quadratic performance index (J). A similar algorithm is derived for control of rapid changes in aircraft angle of attack over a normally unstable flight regime. In the latter case, however, a generalization of a bilinear time-series model reference includes quadratic and cubic terms in angle of attack. These applications are typical of the numerous plants for which nonlinear adaptive control has the potential to provide significant performance improvements. For aircraft control, significant maneuverability gains can provide safer transportation under large windshear disturbances as well as tactical advantages. For FACTS, there is the potential for significant increase in admissible electric power transmission over available transmission lines along with energy conservation. Electric power systems are inherently nonlinear for significant transient variations from synchronism such as may result for large fault disturbances. In such cases, traditional linear controllers may not stabilize the swing (in rotor angle) without inefficient energy wasting strategies to shed loads, etc. Fortunately, the advent of power electronics (e.g., high-speed thyristors) admits the possibility of adaptive control by means of FACTS. Line admittance manipulation seems to be an effective means to achieve stabilization and high efficiency for such FACTS. This results in parametric (or multiplicative) control of a highly nonlinear plant.
