Nitrogen Compounds of Korea Ginseng and their Physiological Significance

  • 발행 : 1990.06.01


Nitrogen compounds of Panax ginseng and their biological activities in plant and animal were reviewed. Major nitrogen compounds found in P. ginseng are free amino acids. Water solilble proteins, indouble proteins and peptides. Minor nitrogen compounds are dencichine. Glycolyroteins, amines, alkaloides, methoxy or alkyl pyrazine derivatives, free nucleosides and nucleic acid bases. 4-methyl-i-thiazoltethanol and pyroglutamic acid the contents of total nitrogen and protein in root Increased until 13 years old which was the highest age tinder investigation. Soluble protein content increased with the root weight and was higher in xylem pith than cortex-epidermis indicating the close relation with root growth. Arginine, which covered 58% of total free amino acids, may serve as storage nitrogen. Arginine seems to be changed into proline in rhizome. threonine in stem and again threonine and arginine in leaf. The greater the root weight the higher the polyamine stimulated Polyamine stimlllated the growth of root callus. Physiological roles of other minor nitrogen compounds are unknown although content is relatively high ((1.if) 6.w). Biochemical and pharmacological activities of some nitrogen compounds for animal were more investigated than physiological role there plant itself. Radiation and U.V protective function (heat stable protein). insulin-like activity in lipogenesis and livolysis (adenosine and pyroglutamic acid), depression of blood sugar content (glycopevtide). htmostatic and nellrotoxic activity (dencichine) and, sedative and hypnotic activity (4-methyl-i-thiazoleethanol) are reported. Heat stable protein increased with root age. The traditional quality criteria appear to be well in accordance with biological activities of nitrogen compounds. Chemical studies of nitrogen compounds seem relatively rare, probably due to difficulty of isolation, subsequently the investigations of biological activities are little.
