IBM-PC를 이용한 CNC 선반용 한글자동프로그래밍 시스템과 그래픽디버거의 설계

A design of a Korean automatic programming system and a graphic debugger for CNC lathe using IBM-PC

  • 발행 : 1986.10.01


Although the use of NC machine is increasing in modern industry, unfamiliarities of the NC program syntax do not allow us to program it easily. So, automatic programming systems, such as APT, COMPACT, CL, were developed to help the uninitiated to write NC program easily. In this research, Korean Automatic Programming System for 2-axis NC lathe is developed, by which NC program is easily programmed using Korean letters. In addition, Graphic Debugger for 2-axis NC lathe is developed for debugging the NC program error and animating the cutting process. The above systems are run on the IBM-PC/XT.
