전기통신의 국제협력의 증진방향

The Promotive Direction of the International Cooperation in Telecommunication

  • 발행 : 1982.10.01


Nowadays , The function of telecommunication contributes to maintaining the peace of the world, and the internetional cooperation in the communication field can not be emphasized too much. The pioneers in telecommunication field devoted their lives to the Infinite love for humanity. However, the modern communication system in our country was initiated, in the later part of the Lee-Dynasty, not for the international cooperation but for the invasive avarices of the neighbouring nations such as Japan and China. The true internationaL cooprration should be based on the love of humanity and the peace of the world such as the pionreers. This paper proposes to resoarch the historic process of initiation and development of the international organs relating to telecommunication as well as the intenational elecomunication network. Finally, I will make the foIlowing suggestions for the promotive direction of the true international coonperation, 1. Intensification of the radio administrative power 2. Promotion of the international cooperation on the man-power and economy in telecommunication field. 3. Establishment and Adjustment of the research institutes Of telecommunication. 4. Establishment of the world telecommunication network for world-wide peace
