신 워킹 전문화의 생체역학적 기능성 평가

The Biomechanical Evaluation of New Walking-shoes

  • 발행 : 2006.06.30


This study was to analysis the kinematic and kinetic differences between new walking shoe(NWS : RYN) and general walking shoe(GWS). The subjects for this study were 10 male adults who had the walking pattern of rearfoot shrike with normal foot. The movement of one lower leg was measured using plantar pressure and Vicon Motion Analysis Program(6 MX13 and 2 MX40 cameras : 100 f / s) while the subjects walked at the velocity(1.5m/s. on 2m).. The results of this study was as follows : 1. The NWS was better than the GWS that caused injuries such as adduction, abduction and pronation are reduced While walking on a perpendicular surface, the landing angle and the knees angles were extensive which makes walking more safe which reduces anxiety and uneasiness. 2. The bottom of the NWS were now made into a more circular arch which supports the weight of the body and reduces the irregular angles when wearing GWS. This arch made the supporting area more wide which made the upholding the trunk of the body more effective. The whole bottom of the foot that supports the weight is more flexible in addition, increases the safeness of walking patterns and the momentum of the body. 3. The moment the heel of the foot of the NWS touch the ground, the range of the pressure were partially notable and the range of the pressure on the upper part of the thigh were dispersed The injuries that occurred while walking. primary factors when a shock related injuries are reduced Judgements of the impacts of the knees and the spinal column dispersing could be made.



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