- 상한론역전 장중경;채인식(편)
- Stroke v.10 A new method of bilateral hemisperic ischemia in the unanesthetized rat Pulsinelli, WA;Brierley, JB
- Brain Res v.239 Delayed neuronal death in the gerbil hippocampus following ischemia Kirino, T
- Ann Neurol v.11 Temporal profile of neuronal damage in a model od transient forebrain ischemia Pulsinelli, WA;Brierley, JB;Plum, F
- Neuroscience v.40 Selective vulnerability of the hippocampus in brain ischemia Schmidt-kastner, R;Freund, TF
- J Neurochem v.61 Regional variability in DNA fragmentation after global ischemia evidenced by combined histological and gel electophoresis observations in the rat brain Heron, A;Pollard, H;Dessi, F;Moreau, J;Lasbennes, F;Ben-Ari, Y(et al.)
- Neurosci Lett v.164 Global ischemia can cause DNA fragmentation indicative of apoptosis in rat brain MacManus, JP;Buchan, AM;Hill, IE;Rasquinha, I;Preston, E
- Neurosci Lett v.171 Internucleosomal DNA Fragmentation in gerbil hippocampus following forebrain ischemia Sei, Y;Von Lubitz DKJE;Basile, AS;Borner, MM;Lin, RCS;Skolnick, P(et al.)
- J Cereb Boold Flow Mebabol v.17 DNA fragmentation follows delayed neuromal death in CA1 neurons exposed to transient global ischemia in the rat Petito, CK;Torres-Munoz, J;Roberts, B;Olarte, J-P;Nowak Jr. TS;Pulsinelli, WA
- Science v.247 Blockade of N-methyl-D-asparate receptoes may protect against ischemic damage in the brain Simon, R;Swan, J;Grifffith, T;Meldrum, B
- Boca Raton: CRC Pharmacology and drug therapy of cerebral ischemia. In: Cerebral ischemia and resuscitation (Schurr A, Rigor BM, eds) Krieglstein, J
- Stroke v.20 Role for r-aminobutyric acid in selective vulnerability in gerbils Sternau, LL;Lust, WD;Ricci, AJ;Ratcheson, R
- Neuroreport v.3 Effect of NO synthase inhibition on NMDA- and ischemia-induced hippocampal lesions Moncada, C;Lekieffre, D;Arvin, B;Meldrum, B
- Adv Pharmacol v.28 Therapeutic potential of the lazaroids(21-aminosteroids) in central nervous system trauma, ischemia and subarachnoid hemorrhage Hall, ED;McCall, JM;Means, ED
- 한방제제해설집 경희의료원한방병원
- J Cereb Blood Flow Metab v.12 Methodological requirements for accurate measurement of brain and body temperature during global forebrain isdhemia of rat Miyazawa, T;Hossmann, KA
- The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates Paxinos, G;Watson, C
- Neuroscience v.27 Selective neuronal death after transient ischemia in the mongolian gerbil: a silver impregnation study Crain, BJ;Westerkam, WD;Harrison, AH;Nadler, JV
- J Cereb Blood Flow Metab v.7 Small differences in intraischemic brain tempeature critically determine the extent of ischemic neuronal injury Busto, R;Dietrich, WD;Globus, MY-T;Valdes, T;Scheinberg, P;Ginsberg, MD
- J Cereb Blood Flow Metab v.10 Mild hypothermia prevents ischemic injury in gerbil hippocampus. Welsh, FA;Sims, RE;Harris, VA
- J Cereb Blood Flow Metab v.16 Neuroprotection after several days of mild drug-induced hypothermia Nurse, S;Corbett, D
- Neurosci Lett v.101 Postischemic moderate hypothermia inhibits CA1 hippocampal ischemic neuronal injury Busto, R;Dietrich, WD;Globus, MY-T;Ginsberg, MD
- Acta Neuropathol(Berl) v.87 Moderate hypothermia mirigates meuronal damage in the rat brain when initiated several hours following transient cerebral ischemia Coimbra, C;Wieloch, T
- J Cereb Blood Flow Metab v.10 The influence of mild body and brain hypothermia on ischemic brain damage Minamisawa, H;Nordstrorn, C-H;Smith, M-L;Siesjo, BK
- N Engl J Med v.329 A comparison of the perioperative neurologic effects of hypothermic circulatory arrest versus low-flow cardiopulmonary bypass in infant heart surgery Newburger, JW;Jonas, RA;Wernovsky, G;Wypij, D;Kickey, PR;Kuban, KCK(et al.)
- Eur J Pharmacol v.310 Neuroprotective effects of 7-nitroindazole in the gerbil model of global cerebral ischemia O'Neill, MJ;Hicks, C;Ward, M
- Neuropharmacology v.35 Stereoselective effects of 2,3-benzodiazepines in vivo: Electrophysiology and neuroprotection studies Lodge, D;Bond, A;O'Neill, MJ;Hicks, CA;Jones, M
- Brain research v.760 Neuroprotective effects of the antioxidant LY231617 and NO synthase inhibitors in global cerebral ischemia O'Neill, MJ;Hicks, C;Ward, M;Panetta, JA
- Trends Neurosci v.8 Oxygen radicals and the nervous system Halliwell, B;Gutteridge, JMC
- Neuron v.1 Glutamate neurotoxicity and disease of the nervous system Choi, DW
- J Cereb Blood Flow Metab v.4 Calcium overload on selectively vulnerable neurons of the hippocampus during and after ischemia: an electron microscopy study in the rat Simon, RP;Griffith, T;Evans, MC;Swan, JH;Meldrum, BS
- Cerebrovasc Brain Metab Rev v.6 Nitric oxide and focal cerebral ischemia: multiplicity of actions and diverse outcome Dawson, DA
- Stroke v.26 Cerebral hypoxia ischemia stimulates cytokine gene expressin in perinatal rats Szaflarski, J;Burtrum, D;Silverstein, F