대승기탕(大承氣湯)의 4-VO로 유한 흰쥐뇌허혈에 대한 신경방어효과

Neuroprotective Effects of Daeseungkitang on the Brain Ischemia induced by Four-Vessel Occlusion in Rats

Kim Ho-Cheol;Ahn Duk-Kyun;Kim Young-Suk

  • 발행 : 19990000


Daeseungkitang, the prescription which is composed of Rhei Radix, Magnoliae Cortex, Ponciri Fructus and Natrii Sulfas, has been used for the effect of expelling pathogenic heat and loosening the bowels, promoting the circulation of qi to purge accumulation in the bowels in Traditional Korean Medicine. This recipe is also one of the prescription to treat stroke in Kyung Hee University Oriental Medical Hospital. This study was planned to investigate the neuroprotective effect of Daeseungkitang on the globa1 ischemia induced by 4-vessel occlusion in Wister rats. Daeseungkitang extract was lyophilized with ethanol after reflux extraction with water. We induced 4-vessel occlusion for 10 minutes and reperfused again. The number of $CA_1$, pyramidal neurons were counted after 7 days of reperfusion under the cresyl violet staining. The result showed significant protective effects of samples compared with control group which was administrated with normal saline in the intraperitoneal injection of 1000 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg of Daeseungkitang extracts at 0, 2 and 6 hours after inducing cerebral ischemia.



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